Sunday, August 28, 2022

 wow has it been to long since I have posted.  I will do my best as led to catch up on here.. as now we are in 2022 and many things the Lord warned on are happening.. but this is just a crazy week within my life.  and sometimes life can be overwhelming if your looking at the situations and not the Lord.. You truly can be rocked off your kilter.. as it will pile up and pile up until you combust so to speak

so here is what happened this past week.. and so many lessons to learn with in it

Some days you just want to pull the covers over your head and stay in bed and cry..however.. cannot give in to these emotions and focusing on the things going on as this has been one challenging week.. though truly the past 5 years but wowza this year Id say the Lord is testing me.. will I still praise Him in the fire and testings of life. Will I lay down and quit or will I rise up... I will rise up though I am weak I know my Father God is strong and in weakness His power is made perfect. So I shall shake off the things going on around me and within my life and start laying each down within my Fathers hands doing the things He shows me. Priorities first.. So this week I needed to deal with a flea infestation. Need to do a fogger to ensure all and every thing is dead and gone.. how I praise the Lord for the wealth of information I obtained at lowes 0from the young man who works in the bug spray zapper department. learned more than I probably want to know. So I also went to the vet and purchased the 3 remaining kittens flea product as the one I used from tractor supply actually made things worse. I obtained the information from the Vet that was near the 0front desk about why this probably happened saying they probably were laying in a dormate state and when I moved in here I woke them up plus with the kittens i brought in it gave them something to feast on. poor babies I know this as the 1 kitten which had been homed prior to these kittens starting to scratch didnt have fleas and still fine. So Praise the Lord just these 3 as I would not have wanted to send fleas anywhere. So while there a young person told me of another agency where i could obtain vouchers from to get them spayed/neutered as I want to ensure that is taken care of and my male doesnt get rowdy with the 2 females. Plus it is the right thing to do with our over abundance of kittens/dogs being euthanized our here it is so sad. I now am switching to the Vet as they are very personable and accommodating. I did not need to get them vet checked which Im so grate0ful. they will be the vet doing the procedures. so I ran off to Lowes to get the fogger and also I asked regarding why would i get ants in my bag of closed cat food..nothing else praise God.. and no where on the carpet... though so small I am not sure i0f id see them. so vacuumed up the area. This was the same day I went in the kittens room while feeding them i felt something on my legs.. yeppers you guessed it... fleas everywhere biting on me. I had just went to get their bowl off food to open it and see all these little ants. I had only used maybe a little less and 1/4 bag. So I of course bagged it up quickly and took outside to take to the dump.. a large bag.. I praise God it was not a really expensive brand. it was one I use to add to the good kind to ease the cost and still ensure the kittens are full with some good nutrition. so that is another praise in the testings and trials!
3rd big praise. While I was talking with the employee of Lowes a female employee started walking with me as I was getting ready to go check out. She asked i0f could ask me a question I said.. what You want a kitten? as she had over heard a portion of my conversation. that wasnt what she wanted to ask but Yes she will take a kitten. She is supposed to be taking the male. Praise the Lord. He will be bathed and flea combed and gifting her the crate that I bring him in. we are supposed to meet at 4 today when she gets off. I am praying she doesnt have a change o0f heart as so many have done and that this home will be the perfect home for "Timothy" she does have 2 small children and we talked on ensuring they do not just go and grab him etc.. as this will make him defensive again and be mean and skittish.. I told her that I am obtaining vouchers and it is transferrable to her. as she wasnt planning on a kitten this was a blessing to her which I truly understand. Then I contacted place on vouchers and noted that it is 45 for kittens however if a feral it is 15$ . It did say though not to capture until just prior to getting spayed or neutered. Well I called them and left a vm explaining situation with the kittens how I ended up with them etc. I almost immediately received a text 0from her saying she received my vm and they would be happy to help me. asked me a few questions. I answered and shared a few other things. I hope i didnt say to many things as I have not heard back from her and as yesterday was what a call a no good very bad trying day.. well I surely could have. 🙁 so I am praying for an extra measure of grace and mercy and hopefully they will help and be able to sell me the vouchers for the $15. but they may not be as they normally clip the ear as do it as catch and release. I have laid this is the Lords hands and I trust which ever way He will provide. Many days I say I should not have done this as has been very tiresome and tying.. and costs of things I do not have but the Lord owns the mountains and all within it.. so I praise the Lord as it has been a time o0f testing and refining ..and much teaching.. so even if.. the Lord is using it for good in many lessons and more for me. So with that said.. yesterday morning I went to get something out of the fridge as I took it 0from 0reezer evening prior. I opened the package and it didnt smell good so I had to toss it out.. ( chicken) .. so I opened the freezer to get something else out and.. well You probably guessed it. everything was thawed.. I also just prior to opening the 0freezer noted water on the 0floor and only noted because I had a box there and it had water line on bottom.. Yikes!! well much water and meat blood all in the 0freezer and also under the drawers.. alrighty then.. Praise the Lord .. I am a bit saddened to have to throw out all this food as I had good meats in there from when my son was staying here in 5th wheel.. and had just purchased some fridge items.. but.. Praise God I was here and not out of town. Although I rent I was advised that i0f the 0fridge ever went out it would not be replaced by owner its on me.. I shall praise the Lord in advance.. I am hoping to have a sale this weekend.. well I must have a sale here this weekend.. and I am praying the Lord bring the buyers from near and from far to purchase much... plants/new jewelry and new beauty products.. and other things.. so I just wanted to share.. sometimes things can be overwhelming .. so in those time.. I know if I dwell on it all well it would not be good.. though all must be dealt with.. I will follow the Lord dealing with one thing at a time.. and The Lord always shows me those even in a perhaps more challenging situation than me.. and I am able to minister to them and see and note things that perhaps another would not even see. So right now I am focusing on those in homes that they cannot leave.. those who do not have hands that work or able to stand on their own.. I have lived alone for 14 years I believe.. although some of that time I lived with my son(s) or one of them with me.. but I have learned to appreciate the smallest of help or note when one is struggling with their trash help without them loosing any dignity and to give a word of encouragement and hope.. ensuring to say.. draw near to the Lord.. and even nearer still.. He see and hears you when no one else even takes notice.. and even though I go to the dump I praise the Lord there is a dump that doesnt charge me.. I praise the Lord though my hands dont always work the best.. I do have hands and I will lean into the Lords strength for ability to bag up all the food take to the dump and clean up the fridge and freezer. Ensure you dont get so wrapped up within your own life and trials that you make all about you and miss the one on the side of the road while your in your rush to "your" ministry.... the opportunities are everywhere and now I am getting older as almost 65 and battling some of the medical Im being healed of..some days are much harder than they used to be.. but I truly praise God as Now I understand even more.. to be partially walking in the discarded forgotten and unable .. we must be careful not to get wrapped up in the oh whoa is me and ask the Lord.. are you trying to show and or teach me somethings.. and or purge out and expose the things which need to go.. as no matter we all need to grow.. we all can allow things back in even.. we all can fall.. we all can become a word having Faith of our mouth "Christian" and not a Faith with our faith is Dead.. I cannot even phantom what Jesus went through and endured.. so that is enough to get me refocused on what matters.. running this race set before me.. to endure to the end.. even when.. to Praise my Lord and keep my eyes focused.. to remove them from my self.. ~you are loved~</3~marni~j~j~<3

Monday, June 8, 2020

A lack of Obidience

When I sit and look at so many things over the past years , I take note of many things the Lord had spoke to my heart about.  So many things amidst much pain and grief.  The Lord told me to start a blog.. a ministry of sorts.  Which I did however, I was slack in stepping away from FB to write on the Blog.  I was not in obedience.  I was to follow the leading of the Lord To bring the Lord glory.  During all of this He used my pain, loneliness, betrayal and my self loathing pity party   to continue to transform me.  Truly something I hadn't realized had not been completed when the Lord Himself first called me and I said Yes.  Something that sadly the Church doesn't really talk about.  Not truly.

There is so much the Lord through the Holy spirit has taught me. Most probably the biggest thing I learned.. well we suddenly start listening to man when the Lord stated very clearly My Sheep will know my voice and the Holy Spirit will be your teacher. It doesn't mean the Lord hasn't called and then chosen those to be proven to be trusted with His Word.  To teach, to be Prophets evangelist, Pastors Apostles but the Lord also warned about follow them and being led astray.  To always test the Spirit with the Spirit if it is not from what you first were taught by the Holy Spirit when He first came into you then upon you to give you power then you have gone astray.  Remember the Lord had them teach if anyone teaches ANOTHER JESUS may he be accursed .
I truly do not know where to begin in this as so much is being and has been revealed to me.  But I will start with this.. the enemy is quick.. he  is right there waiting out of the opening gate in fact so many think the gate has been opened but in fact it has not but they just followed the tradition of man.

I truly feel like a damn about to burst.. not in a good way.. as within my heart holds much troubling truth that the Lord has shown me over the years.. through many trials.. and falls , sorrows .. with great joy and peace in some of the valleys and some..not so much but in all of this as I have been seeking His ways.. subconsciously some days as those days "felt" dark.. and I will hopefully be able to relay all as much is happening in our world and much is coming...

Please Seek the Lord while He may be found.. All... who read this.. as so many of us think we are His however.. if the Lord were to stand before us today.. or shall I say if we were to stand before Him.. today He would say DEPART FROM ME I NEVER KNEW YOU..
May the FEAR of GOD fall upon all of us this day.. In Jesus Name..

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Obidience to God

There are so many times when in order to be obedient to God we have to step on someone's toes and ruffle some feathers. I am beginning to fully understand people are creatures of habit and resist change.....yet everything is changing on a daily basis. Here is something I found on obedience to God...
Obedience to God proves our love for Him (1 John 5:2-3), demonstrates our faithfulness to Him (1 John 2:3-6), glorifies Him in the world (1 Peter 2:12), and opens avenues of blessing for us (John 13:17).
Faith is necessary to please God (Hebrews 11:6), and if our faith is genuine and true, we will live a lifestyle characterized by righteousness, modeling the example set for us by Jesus Christ. We obey His commands, not because we have to, but because we want to, because we love Him. We are enabled to obey because, once we believe in Christ and are saved, we are remade. We are not the same people we once were. As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
When we obey the Lord, we can live a life of joy, without shame, rooted deeply in the Lord and confident in our eternal hope. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17). Our obedience is actually part of our assurance that we truly know God (1 John 2:3).
When God’s children obey their Heavenly Father, He is glorified. Jesus told us that the plan is for others to “see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Of course, performing “good deeds” requires obedience to the One who calls us to good deeds. A Christian’s testimony of holiness is a strong witness that God is at work in the world.
“Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him” (Psalm 128:1). The Bible often tells us that God blesses and rewards obedience. James 1:22-25 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. . . . Whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” See also Psalm 119:1-2.
God is gracious. If we haven’t been living for Him, if we haven’t been following His commandments, if we’ve been living in and for the world, we can be transformed by the blood of Jesus Christ. We can ask God for forgiveness, and He will give it. And He will choose to forget the sin, just as if we had never committed it in the first place. God is glorified when He extends forgiveness, because it is written, “I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds. . . . Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more” (Hebrews 10:16-17).

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Are You Ready? today.. if it were Your Last?

Many times.. we say.. I will tell the person.. the things within my Heart.. tomorrow.. or another day.. I will forgive tomorrow.. or I will do this or do that.. tomorrow.. Or.. I will make things right.. tomorrow.. I will do as the Lord has led me.. tomorrow.. I will Do... Tomorrow.. as Today.. well.. perhaps.. today I do not "feel" like it.. or Im to tired.. or I do not feel well.. today.. or Perhaps.. I just dont want to deal with that.. today.. I will do tomorrow.. those things.. that are in my heart to do or say.. Tomorrow... we are not guaranteed our Tomorrows.. Do and say.. those things You have on Your heart.. do them TODAY.. do not take for granted your next breath or that of anothers.. make things right.. today.. Forgive.. today.. Love .. today.. ask for forgiveness.. Today.. Life.. Do Not take it for granted.. and Today.. I pray.. You give Your FULL heart.. to the Lord.. God ..Your Creator.. giving Your Life through the Son.. Jesus Christ.. He is the Way the Truth and the Life and NO ONE gets to the Father except through the Son being born Again of the Spirit.. will You say Yes to His call.. Today.. Prodigal .. You who have wandered.. will you come back.. Today.. You.. who have compromised.. or set within Your Apathetic Ways.. Oh Luke warm.. dont be fooled.. Please.. Today.. will You go before the Lord.. and ask Him to show You.. if TODAY.. You were to stand before Him.. What would He Say? I love you all.. and I pray.. we all.. get things right.. today.. and not take for granted.. Our tomorrow.. or even... Our Next Breath 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Have You Forgiven... Really?

Your Heart..
Do You know.. If You do not forgive.. If You Hold an offense against another.. or even your self.. even God perhaps.. You will NOT be forgiven.. the Lord says clearly.. FORGIVE .. or you will not be FORGIVEN Lay down Your Unforgiveness.. for Yourself.. Let It go.. Let the Lords Grace.. Heal Your wounds.. and His Love consume Your heart.. You perhaps forgave.. but perhaps it wasnt from your heart.. it was from your mouth.. Let the Lord take it.. visualize the person.. and put the issue/person within the BLOOD and let it be washed away... from your Heart.. RELEASED
Mark 11:26
Matthew 6:14-15

STORMS.. some thoughts regarding Houston and Florida

So as I sit and I watch.. first Houston..Tx and surrounding..  then the islands.. Cuba and Florida.  The Lord had given.. some dreams of this to come.. others He gave words to.. others.. He burdened deep.. that the Church is still not repenting.. still complacent and Lukewarm   Many perhaps look at Florida and say just as they said to the Prophet Jonah..  saying.. see God did not bring His Judgement..I say perhaps.. the Lord did pull back and show some Mercy and pulled back some.  I do have more to say on another Post regarding.. things noted in these storms.

 "Who knows, God may turn and relent and withdraw His burning anger so that we will not perish." When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God relented concerning the calamity which He had declared He would bring upon them. And He did not do it. 

Jonah 3:9-10

and Jonah.. became displeased.. I pray that none of the Prophets get angry... as the Lord did show compassion .. Jonah felt he may as well just die.. Probably feeling a bit of a fool that no one would not take him as credible. 

But it greatly displeased Jonah and he became angry. He prayed to the LORD and said, "Please LORD, was not this what I said while I was still in my own country? Therefore in order to forestall this I fled to Tarshish, for I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity. Therefore now, O Lord, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!”
Then the Lord said, “Is it right for you to be angry?”

Jonah 4:1-4

What is a wonderful thing is True repentance can move the heart of God.. Sadly many just cry out to god in days of trouble and also sadly.. thought in joy I say.. many do truly repent.. we see as we look back on times of great tragedy potential tragedy that as time moves on.. people.. forget and become complacent once again.  

The Lord wants to be our first Love..not our after thought that we run to in times of trouble. Sadly.. we go through our lives and focus.. on me myself and I.. well Im entitled.. Right.. After all it is my life..However the Lord has created us to bring Him glory not our own self.   

We run to Him.. when we are in times of the Valley.. but when we are in times of the mountaintop.. we often forget Him.  Also sadly many blame God when they finds themselves in times of trouble but that will be a whole other post. 

As I sit and watch.. man helping man I cannot help but think.. well why Lord do they just now do this.. as prior to lets say.. Houston.. We Your People.. were we out there in our communities.. or within our Family unit of the Church helping one another.. serving as The Lord showed us we must do.  One of the Last acts The Lord did was washing the disciples feet .
So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you?  You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am.  If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.  For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. 16 Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.  If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.

John 13:12-17

Are YOU Daily doing the example the Lord left for us to follow?  Are YOU serving Your brother and Sister In the Lord? Or are You all about.. self.. your agenda.. or are You about the Lords and what HE says for YOU to do..TRULY 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

GIFTS and God Will verses Gods Permissible Will

Sometimes... a Gift.. well .. You need to say no to.. sometimes.. you have accepted and need to return the gift.. as the gift is not from the Father.. but one who.. well.. controls with the gift.. Know all gifts that come in beautiful packages are not from the Lord.. ask the Lord if from Him.. or another... the enemy will really try and get you side tracked.. and well in a web of control.. sometimes.. it is even in a relationship.. all looks so perfect.. all Your prayers answered... but were they... sometimes and was that the LORDS PERFECT will for you.. You must step back and ask the Lord.. is this truly from You... or is it a set up... to take me off track.. or perhaps are you just giving me for what I asked.. and I neglected to ask is this Your Perfect will.. as sometime He will give you what you ask.. being His permissible will.. but far from His Perfect will

 wow has it been to long since I have posted.  I will do my best as led to catch up on here.. as now we are in 2022 and many things the Lord...